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"I am a missionary-- heart and soul." -David Livingstone. 

These are the words that have propelled us to go.                                                                                                                                                         These are the words that remind us of who we are. 

Jesus has commissioned the church to:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 25:19-20

His cause has captured our hearts. It has filled our souls with passion. We are constantly thinking, praying and laying awake at night.

Thinking about the unreached. The broken. The homeless, abandoned and the lost. The fatherless and the motherless.

We want to go to those who have been cursed and beaten, shamed and left alone. 

We want to serve people and show them the love Jesus showed us. We want to guide them Home.

We are Venya and Vita Tyshko, serving as missionaries in Africa with Restoration of Hearts Ministries (restorationofhearts.org).

Together with Restoration of Hearts and local ministries, we have had the privilege to help organize and lead multiple mass crusades and outreaches, plant 7 new churches, offer biblical training courses through the local church, and disciple young believers.

Our mission is to grow the Church so that there will be more laborers in the Lord’s harvest to make Him known throughout all the nations! We accomplish this mission in various ways, some of which include: church planting, local evangelism, youth discipleship and missionary training.

Our “yes” to God has been the most rewarding decision we have ever made. This chosen lifestyle teaches us daily to depend on Holy Spirit and obey the Lord above all. He has given us His heart for the nations and we are so honored to serve Him with our lives. Thank you for praying for our family, ministry and nation!

“Bringing people to Jesus Christ can be done anywhere but making disciples, only the church can do.” -Elmer Towns 


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